Vince Cavaleri, Councilmember
Position #5
Cavaleri moved to the Webster's Pond neighborhood of Mill Creek in 2004.
In 2015, he was appointed to a vacant position on the City Council.
Cavaleri subsequently was elected to a four-year term in November 2015.
His service stems from a desire to be a fiscal representative for the
community; he strives to ensure the City provides a superior level of
service without implementing high taxes. During his tenure, the City has
balanced its budget and saved millions of dollars on the City Hall and
Annex renovation. A deputy with the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office
for more than 18 years, he also is passionate about keeping citizens
safe without intruding on their civil liberties, and approaches
decisions from this mindset. Cavaleri is a parks and recreation liaison
for the City, advocating for green open spaces that are a clean and
appropriate for all ages. He also serves on the Water Resource Inventory
Areas 8 board, which handles surface water and ecological issues.
During his down time, Cavaleri enjoys physical activities like hiking,
biking, hot yoga and working out. His term expires Dec. 31, 2027.
Sean Paddock, Councilmember
Position #7
Paddock is dedicated to a Mill Creek that is safe, prosperous and vibrant, offering a high quality of life for all of us - residents, businesses and visitors. “I believe my communication and working style will foster and enhance a positive and collaborative working relationship amongst the community, Council, and between Council and the City Manager,” said Paddock.
Paddock comes to the Council from the Mill Creek Planning Commission. He has three decades of leadership in finance, strategy and technology - leading business transformation and innovation for large and small companies across our region - as well as participating in service work across several community-supportive organizations.
Paddock holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with emphasis on Finance and Accounting, from San Diego State University with post-graduate work at Stanford Graduate School of Business and Pepperdine Caruso School of Law. Sean is married to a public-school educator, father of three adult daughters, and is a grandfather, enthusiastic runner and reluctant swimmer. His term expires Dec. 31, 2027.
Connie Allison, Councilmember 
Position #3
Councilmember Connie Allison is an eleven-year resident of Mill Creek and a lifelong resident of Western Washington. Connie has enjoyed a career at Boeing, working in Engineering and Program Management, where she is currently leading a team in Boeing Global Services. Connie holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from City University of Seattle.
Elected to the City Council in November of 2021, Connie strives to ensure Mill Creek remains a safe and fiscally sound City – by supporting policies that ensure the City will be strong now and in the future.
She enjoys knitting, fishing on the Puget Sound, traveling, and learning about new cultures in her downtime. Connie's term expires on December 31, 2025.