Over the weekend and into early next week, there is a possibility of freezing temperatures and snow in the forecast. The City of Mill Creek’s Public Works department is monitoring the weather very closely and will take precautionary steps to prepare for inclement weather.
The Public Works team is pretreating the roads with deicer along the main arterial roads to prevent the accumulation of snow or ice. The team is focusing on priority routes within city limits including: State Route 527, State Route 96, Mill Creek Boulevard, Mill Creek Road, Village Green Drive, and the hill on Seattle Hill Road near the Lively Environmental Center.
Saturday expect freezing fog, and on Sunday and Monday there is a chance of rain with possible snow showers. It is possible that rain or rain that turns to snow will reduce the pretreatment effectiveness, the Public Works department will monitor and take necessary steps to maintain the safest road conditions possible.
Upon accumulation of snow, the Public Works team will mobilize to clear the roadways. They will apply sand and deicing materials to improve traction and safety. In the event of inclement weather, please stay off the roadways unless necessary. If you must drive, allow for additional time to arrive to your destination and drive with caution.